Hear Us Out: The Kiss Cam But For Faculty Meetings

School is back in swing! But, with supervisors speaking in monotone voices to announcements that could have just been sent through email, staff meetings suck. If you’re a manager what are you to do? Hear us out: the Kiss Cam but for faculty meetings.

That kind of excitement jazzes up any weekly meeting that somehow always manages to go 20 or 30 minutes over without fair compensation. Need to talk about quarterly reports? Sure, but how about the pressure of two colleagues on camera being coaxed to kiss?! Need to deliver some unpleasant news, like half the staff is being fired? Even better! What’s unpleasant about receiving a luscious, wet kiss in front of an eager crowd?

The best thing about the Kiss Cam is that it doesn’t show any inherent bias, which is important in today’s workforce and schools. The Kiss Cam doesn’t care about race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or age. The Kiss Cam can have you kiss anybody at any time, whether you’re a fresh-faced college grad or an elderly secretary, it’ll find you while we all watch!

Listen. Work should be fun for everyone! We hear that kissing is a pleasant experience, and we really think other things can benefit from it. All we’re suggesting is taking the “kiss concept” that people love and filming it!

We should absolutely be 110% comfortable giving the Kiss Cam what it wants. After all, we are one big family here, it’s all in good fun!


UPDATE: Our lawyers have informed us to “distance ourselves as far away from this idea as possible,” so, we just want to applaud ESPN for their great faculty Kiss Cam concept! Kudos!