Area Dad Can’t Make Son’s Baseball Game Because He Doesn’t Want To

While many parents would give anything to be there for their kids, one Iowa man plans to miss his son’s Little League game this evening simply because he doesn’t feel like going.

Ben Beeler, 41, informed his ex-wife via text this afternoon that he won’t be able to make their nine-year-old son’s game because he wasn’t “in the mood” and has to catch up on “the last couple seasons of Westworld.”

During an angry follow-up call with his ex, Beeler argued that he’d sat through many presentations at work that day and doesn’t feel like sitting through an additional nine innings on a steel bench pretending to care whether his son’s team wins or loses. “I mean, either way he’ll learn a lesson, right?” remarked Beeler.

Asked how he could disappoint his son like this, Beeler responded by asking why it was okay for his son, Jayden, to disappoint him by “being so shitty at baseball in the first place.” Reached for comment, Jayden told reporters that he doesn’t care if his dad is at his game or not because he hates him anyway.