Is Steph Curry The GOAT At Looking Like One?

Steph Curry, with his smoove shooting form and boyish good looks, could be considered the greatest basketball player of all time, assuming that this is based on aesthetics, and aesthetics alone. Is Curry the GOAT? Probably not, he’s not even in the playoffs, but everyone knows what a GOAT looks like, and Curry sure looks like it. 

Many Basketball Analysts will tell fans to look at things like “stats” or “championships” or “skill” to determine the GOAT, but this is an incomplete way of looking at greatness. Greatest is also determined by how effortless a move is, or how cool Curry looks in a Golden State uniform. Could Bill Russell look that good in gold and blue? Impossible. 

When looking at the qualities of a GOAT, one also does have to think about their supporting cast, and the teammates they had to bring to greatness. Take a look at Draymond Green. Based on looks alone, Draymond looks the least like a GOAT more than anyone in NBA history. Standing next to Green every game helps Steph look even more like a GOAT in looks and looks alone. 

One day, when sports finally does away with context, we will show our kids through carefully selected photos that Steph Curry is the GOAT, because damn, he sure looks like a GOAT.