Amazing: Watch These Little Leaguers Complete A Triple Play Against Three Very Out Of Shape Kids

During a humid July game in Iowa, a Little League game witnessed an incredible feat of athleticism, accompanied by gross incoordination. The match up today is between the mighty Tigers and the underdog Bobcats. It was truly amazing to watch these Little Leaguers complete a Triple Play against three very out of shape kids. 

As we look back at the play, it’s a small miracle that these two daft Bobcats were on base in the first place. Luckily for the Bobcats, Tigers starter Timmy Garman has been missing the plate today, and hit batters Kyle Stevens and Jimmy Cook, resulting in free bases and crying batters. With runners at first and second with no outs, 4 foot 9, 190 lbs Liam Logan steps up to the plate. Liam, wearing his ketchup stained jersey, is able to make contact, and get the ball into play. 

The first out was easy enough. Kyle, most famous for eating worms during recess, was winded from walking two excruciating long bases, was too busy laying on the ground and picking grass to notice the hit ball. The Shortstop easily tagged him out. 

Jimmy, fresh off deciding his favorite Avenger is Ant Man, was able to fare a little better due to the Tigers Shortstop throwing the ball 5 feet over the Second Baseman’s head. Jimmy, not feeling content with just taking Second, clumsily turns for third. Though he sprints at his top speed, it takes him 10 seconds to go from base to base. After a 12 relay throws, Jimmy is tagged out at third. At first disappointed, Jimmy remembers his upcoming NASA Internship, and smirks. 

Liam, overly energized by his first career hit, runs towards Third Base. While running the wrong way was a mistake, it would not be his most vital error. While the pitcher, who picked up the ball after the Third Basemen dropped it, threw wildly into the outfield. Liam, once again forgetting the rules of the sport, waddled his way into the outfield to pick up the ball, and was called out after getting tagged by the Center Fielder. 

The incredible show of defense proved to be the difference, as the rare 6-4-3-2-1-7-6-9-4-5-1-8 triple play contributed to the 38-0 win for the Tigers.