Hockey Ratings Finally Topple “Mike & Molly” Rerun

In a development sure to excite NHL executives, last night’s hockey game finally surpassed a TBS rerun of the sitcom “Mike and Molly” in the ratings.

A source within NHL leadership described the corporate mood as “overjoyed.” 

“We paid millions in advertisements to finally make it happen,” our source said of the league’s aggressive attempt to topple the mildly popular sitcom. The source confirmed the NHL is now fielding calls from exciting brands like Morton Salt and RC Cola, who wish to advertise to the NHL’s 170,000+ viewers.

Before last night’s game, the NHL’s ability to win the rating’s battle looked bleak after executives learned they’d be up against one of the sitcom’s most enjoyable episodes. “It was the one where Mike and Molly got locked in an Arby’s,” the source said. “How do you compete with that? But somehow despite a TBS power outage, the NHL edged it out!”

Thanks to this success, the NHL says it is already planning to beat a rerun of “Young Sheldon” by 2040.